Could A Bad Reflex Be Causing Your Neck Pain?

Are you dealing with neck pain or headaches?

Have you struggled trying to find the answer to a painful neck, overly tight muscles, or dull headaches?

Are you having a tough time even backing out of your garage because your neck is so stiff and sore?

The answer could be in dysfunctional reflexes.  I had two patients present with neck pain and headaches that improved immediately when correcting the reflex imbalance.

I wrote a little bit about these neurolymphatic reflexes in a previous post.  When these reflex points are dysfunctional they will be active and tender.  Each organ corresponds to a different neurolymphatic reflex point and can be a gauge as to underlying organ stress or dysfunction.

Case #1

Mrs. M. (no real names…confidentiality stuff you know!) presented in the morning with neck pain and stiffness.  She had significant reduction in turning her head to the left and right.  Turning her head to the right caused a lot of pain in the right side of her neck.

A brief neuro/ortho examination showed restricted range of motion, pain with resisted range of motion testing and taut/tender fibers in the right upper trap, levator scapulae and cervical paraspinals.  Strength, reflexes and myotome testing were all normal.

Despite the loss of neck motion and pain, there weren’t any cervical joint restrictions that I found to be contributing to her problem.  Further muscle testing the cervical spine for subluxations was negative.  There was some pelvic imbalance with decreased strength in the left TFL and left quadratus lumborum muscles.  (Note: it is important to assess the whole person since pain in one area may be caused by dysfunction in another area)

So I proceeded to check her neurolymphatic reflex points and found these points really active: liver, thyroid and gonadal points.  These points were very tender and made dramatic improvements in the strength of her weak pelvic muscles when Mrs. M. touched the active neurolymphatic reflex points.

I used the low level laser to stimulate each of these points with an organ specific laser frequency.  After 60-90 seconds of laser treatment in the affected neurolymphatic reflex points there was not only a palpable difference in the muscle tension, but there was an immediate reduction of pain with improved range of motion testing.

Case #2

The same day, just a few hours later, Mrs. C presented with a migraine headache that she rated as 8/10.  Muscle strength testing showed weakness when she placed her head into extension, placed her neck in left side bending and moved her eyes down and to the left.

Assessing for any neurolymphatic reflex points showed an active reflex at the adrenal points.  All of the weak muscles on initial testing were strengthened with low level laser stimulation of the adrenal neurolymphatic point and tasting an adrenal adaptogen support and vitamin B adrenal complex.

These are just two brief examples of neck pain and headache complaints that were managed in different ways.  It required addressing the patient’s unique individual need at that time.  Pain relievers would have masked the symptoms but neglected the underlying imbalance that was causing the dysfunction.

If you are struggling with neck pain and headaches…no matter how long or short a period of time…consider having a complete examination that includes assessment of the neurolymphatic reflexes.

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