
Can you answer the following questions about your health?

  • What is your body fat percentage?
  • Is your body cell mass within five pounds of your extracellular mass?
  • What is your vitamin D level?
  • Are you iron deficient or overburdened with iron?
  • Are you magnesium deficient?
  • Do you have a “leaky gut”?
Consuming the Standard American Diet can rob you of vital nutrients leaving you malnourished.


If you don’t know the answer to some of these simple basic questions then you run the risk of having your health affected by poor nutritional status.  Don’t fool yourself into thinking that malnourishment means that you are “just skin and bones”.  That is not the case. If you are not consuming adequate nutrients, or if you are consuming the Standard American Diet (SAD), then you are robbing yourself of the building blocks you need for life.  Without adequate building blocks you can’t heal and repair the damage that your body goes through every day.

You need a doctor that understands the impact of nourishment on your health.  Medical doctors obtain little, if any, training in clinical nutrition.  As a chiropractor, I received significant training in clinical nutrition and then went on to obtain advanced certification as a clinical nutritionist.  You need a doctor that understands how to use nutritional interventions to help you regain your health…we can help you with this.

1023 E Capitol Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501

Copyright © 2019 Life Enhancement Clinic
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